Monday, August 18, 2008

We kept her alive for three whole months!

Our Baby Bella is now three months old and has changed so much from the time we brought our little bundle of joy home. She is such a wonderful and well behaved baby with such a happy demeanor. I think Heavenly Father knew what we were capable of and gave us the good one.

As for Debbie and I, we truly love being parents. We can't help but admire how healthy, happy and adorable she is, and feel overwhelmingly blessed. Here are some of the milestones she has accomplished; sleeping through the night in her room and now (thankfully to Debbie's diligence and patience) is sleeping in her beautiful crib, she coos and makes all kinds of noises, smiles and melts our hearts as she does it, all the time. Has accepted the bottle from dad, and is still doing great nursing with Deb. Holds her head up and looks around so studiously, happily takes a bath, has laughed a couple of times and loves zerberts on her belly from dad. We are just enchanted with her every gaze.........needless to say we like her and think we are gonna keep her. But thanks for all the offers=)


Hope said...

Wow...up until now I was really on the fence as to who she looked like more, but now I see it! Other than Dave's mouth, she is totally MAMA'S girl...Debbie she is gorgeous, just like you. Espeically in her eyes, chin, and nose, don't you think?

How fun to hear about her milestones!

Tiffany said...

You guys, she is so cute!!!
What a doll. I can't wait to meet her in person.