Friday, June 18, 2010

Ready to POP!

Just a quick update to let you know that Debbie is due with our second girl in 2 and a half weeks, and she sure is ready to pop. We are attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and have hired a doula to educate and help throughout the process. Yesterday she went into the OB/GYN and her BP was a little high, but she was not showing any sign of pre-eclampsia, and we hope it remains that way. we are hoping also that the baby is not overdue. the doctor gave us one week past the due date of 7/6/10 to go into labor, or the inevitable will happen....c-section. If you have time say a little prayer that we will have the chance to be able to have the natural birthing experience that Debbie has dreamed of. Other than that Bella is doing great and knows well over 4 songs and countless words and even can count to 10, not bad for a two year old, but all in a all she sure is a 2 year old, more with Debbie than I, maybe because they are so much alike. I am nursing my mouth due some major dental work (wisdom teeth, fillings and a crown) And anyone who knows me knows i am just a big baby. I am so blessed to have such a caring and loving wife, she is 9 and 1/2 months pregnant and caring for 2 babies. She is absolutely amazing!, and I love her. All you guys out there, who are married, go give you wife a big kiss. And when she asks what that was for, just tell her, "because".=)


Carolyn said...

YAY! An update! :) Keep it up! Hope your mouth feels better soon Dave. See you guys tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hello I happen to come across your blog. Congrats on the kids!!